Would You Believe This Park in Austria Literally Turns Into a Lake in Summers?


What do you see in the picture above? A lake? A diver? Well, look closer/ It’s actually a park which is underwater. Yes! Called the ‘Gruner See’ (Green Lake, this park/lake is located in the Hochschwab mountains of Styria, Austria. If you visit this place in winters, it’s a beautiful park where you can soak in the beauty of the surrounding mountains. But if you visit in summer, you will see a lake instead of a park! Don’t worry, it’s not some modern-day sorcery! Read on to know more about how this natural phenomenon takes place every year.

Changes With The Season

Located in Hochschwab mountains of Styria, Austria, Gruner See changes with the seasons. Well, we are not just talking about leaf colours but its full transformation. During the winter season, the lake is only three to six feet deep and is surrounded by a park.

And if you come here in the spring season, as the temperature rises, the snow from the surrounding mountains begin to melt and drip down. By the summer season, the lake reaches its maximum depth of about 40 feet! And that’s how, every summer, this park sinks below and gives way to a beautiful lake!

Image Source: holidaystoaustria.com

It’s all because of the natural phenomenon that creates a surreal underwater park until July when the water begins to evaporate again for the winter season.

Why Green Colour?

Gruner See translates to ‘Green Lake’ and it is called so because of the grass and foliage that line the bottom of the land. The water appearance is so striking, glossy, that it’s got to be one of the most Instagrammble places in Austria! The green water is so clear that the bridge and benches on the park are clearly visible underwater.

The pictures are so surreal that we are sure it will make you book the tickets of this gorgeous place right now. So, if you are planning a vacay, don’t think twice, head to Austria and witness the magic.

(Featured Image Source: travel + leisure)


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