Did You Know About The ‘Chocolate Hills’ in The Philippines Which Look Like Giant Mountains of Chocolate?


What do you see in the above picture? A painting? Hills made of chocolate? Well, these are actually green hills in the Philippines. But they turn into a chocolatey-brown colour in the dry season, which literally makes them look like giant mountains made of chocolate! In fact, these hills are one of the most visited tourist spots in the Philippines, and it continues to draw its attention for scenic characteristics. Read on to know more about these phenomenal hills!

Changes With Seasons

Located in Bohol, Philippines, The Chocolate hills changes its colour with seasons. We are sure like us you are also curious why it is called the Chocolate hills, right? It is because these hills are usually covered in green grass, but during the dry seasons, these hills drys up and turn chocolatey brown. And of course, during the rainy season, this fantastic natural beauty looks super gorgeous with the green grass. No cluster of shrubs or even trees grows on the hills, which gives the clear chocolatey view!

Image Source: lolapantravels

The Chocolate Hills are estimated to be more than 1,268 in number and are spread over an area of more than 50 square kilometres. These Chocolate Hills cover the towns of Bilar, Carmen, Sagbayan and Batuan. And the hills vary in different sizes from 100 to 165 feet in height, but one of them is the largest and is about 395 feet tall. The result is a majestic landscape which might look as if they are man-made.

The Geological Theory Behind Them 

The formation of the hills is the result of the weathering of marine limestone. Thousands of years ago, the dissolution of limestone was affected by natural factors such as subaerial erosion and rainfall, which caused the formation of these hills. These formations were the result of the erosion of limestones that uplifted above the sea level and fractured due to the tectonic processes (controls the structure of the Earth’sEarth’s crust and its evolution through time). Another primary explanation claims that the formation is by the uplift of coral deposits and the eruption of water. 

You can visit The Chocolate Hills at any time of the year, including during the rainy and dry season. But if you want to capture the chocolatey hills, we suggest you visit during the dry season.

(Featured Image Source: Unusual Places)


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