Private Delhi Radio Cab Services On The Rise As Youngsters Play It Safe In The Rape Capital


Delhi Radio Cab Services are growing at a fast pace

New Delhi, the capital of India for the past century is witnessing a boom in private Delhi radio cab services as the upwardly mobile youth of city attempt to live life to the fullest in a responsible manner. The city’s reputation as the rape capital of the country where the safety of women is extremely low is also a factor that has lead to this boom.

In the windy city of Chicago, Rashid Temuri operates a twitter powered cab service which has seen his workload increase by leaps and bounds over the past two years. Rashid who is a technology enthusiast and studied computer science during a short stint in college created the twitter account @chicagocabbie in 2011. It today has more than 6000 followers and his cab can be hailed simply through a tweet. He responds almost immediately to ride requests, sends out an iCal invite to confirm the call and turns up when he says he will. Spectacular you might say, this is however just one of many inspirational taxi driver stories you may have come across either online or in real life.

Whether it be the Yellow Taxis of New York City, Black Cabs of London or the iconic Ambassador taxis of Calcutta, a comfortable and friendly taxi ride is something all travelers desire. Indeed the taxi driving man is among the oldest professions in the world and cab culture is an intrinsic part of life in any thriving cosmopolitan city of the world. As far as one can remember, the most common form of getting a taxi was to hail one on the street. Even in today’s world of smartphone mobility, ubiquitous internet availability and social media communication the “horizontal thumb” gesture comes almost intuitively when one is out in the street without any means of transport.

All of this is however changing, albeit slowly. The explosive growth of the Smartphone has a huge part to play in the re-imagination of the taxi-hailing experience which is being pioneered by start-ups such as Uber and Hailo.

High Smartphone penetration is a phenomenon that is currently prevalent only in the developed economies of USA, Europe, Australia and Singapore. It is however, only a matter of time before that begins to happen in India, China, Brazil and other developing nations which possess massive economies of scale. New Delhi, the capital of India for the last 100 years is already witnessing a boom in Delhi radio cab services as the young and affluent urban middle class grows in size in a westernized metropolitan city. As per the 2011 India census data, Delhi has an urban population of 16 million people of which at-least 40 percent are educated youth in age range of 18-35 years. That accounts for close to six million youngsters in the National Capital Region of Delhi making it an extremely lucrative market for anything that is cool, trendy and next-gen.

Riding on this growth the past few years have seen a boom in the number of private Delhi radio cab services that have started to operate in the city. Fueled by global trends of not drinking and driving as well as a nationwide campaign to discourage such behavior through education and punishment, the youth of Delhi have responded well to the increase in availability of Delhi radio cab services. Most recently, the gang-rape of a 23 year old girl in the city after she boarded a private bus sparked outrage across the nation. Common people took to the streets demanding concrete steps to counter the growing menace of sexual crimes against women in the country. New Delhi in particular has one of the highest reported rates of crime against women in India. Nearly 600 rapes were reported last year, according to the National Crime Records Bureau, more than the reports from Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore combined.

In such a situation, the case for women to use Delhi radio cab services is further strengthened making it attractive to run such a business in the city. Lets take a look then at some of the players who offer these services.

Premium Fleet Delhi Radio Cab Services

  • Uber – The revolutionary cab experience titled as “Everyone’s Private Driver” has also arrived in Delhi. They actually come out to be cheaper than a lot of other premium cabs. Use the promo-code “uberkirti” while signing up to get one free ride upto Rs 500
  • Meru Cabs – Charges Rs 20 per km before 11 pm and Rs 25 per km after 11 pm. Call lines open 24 hours on +911144224422. Mobile apps available on Android and Blackberry
  • Easy Cabs – Charges Rs 20 per km before 11 pm and Rs 25 per km after 11 pm. Call lines open 24 hours on +911143434343
  • Mega Cabs – Charges Rs 20 per km before 11 pm and Rs 25 per km after 11 pm. Call lines open 24 hours on +911141414141. Mobile apps available on iOS, Android and Blackberry.
  • Wyn Cabs – Charges Rs 20 per km before 11 pm and Rs 25 per km after 11 pm. Call lines open 24 hours on +911148000000.
  • Savaari – Provides car rental services for eight hours or 80 km in a day. Prices start from Rs 1000 for AC Economy Tata Indica cars. Call 18001081000 to book on the phone.

Mid-Range Delhi Radio Cab Services

  • Yo Cabs – Charges a flat fare of Rs 17 per km irrespective of the time of the day. Call lines open 24 hours on +911144664466
  • Ola Cabs – Provides economical car rental services for four hours or eight hours in a day. Prices start from Rs 600 for four hours. They also offer drops anywhere within Gurgaon for Rs 100. No extra night charges. Mobile apps available for iOS and Android. Call +911133553355 for tele-booking.
  • Komfy Cabs – Charges Rs 15 per km before 11 pm and Rs 19 per km after 11 pm. Contact on +911244777888 for tele-booking.

Economical Delhi Radio Cab Services

  • QuickCabs – Charges Rs 10 per km before 11 pm and Rs 12.5 per km after 11 pm. Call lines open 24 hours on +911167676767 and +911145333333
  • Supercabz – Charges Rs 10 per km before 11 pm and Rs 12.5 per km after 11 pm. Call lines open 24 hours on +911141004100
  • Aarya Cabs – Charges Rs 10 per km before 11 pm and Rs 12.5 per km after 11 pm. Call lines open 24 hours on +911144104410
  • DF Cabs – Charges Rs 10 per km before 11 pm and Rs 12.5 per km after 11 pm. Rs 175 minimum fare. Call lines open 24 hours on +911166666699 and +911164990000
  • Polo Cabs – Charges Rs 10 per km before 11 pm and Rs 12.5 per km after 11 pm. Call lines open 24 hours on +911144404440
  • Taxi Syndicate – Charges Rs 10 per km before 11 pm and Rs 12.5 per km after 11 pm. Call lines open 24 hours on +911167676767
  • Secure Cabs – Charges Rs 9 per km before 11 pm and Rs 12.5 per km after 11 pm. Call lines open 24 hours on +911143465151

There are thus at least 15 radio cab services in Delhi across all price points providing the youth of the city plenty of options to enjoy responsibly.

Anyone who has used these Delhi radio cab services, do share your experience on this forum by dropping a comment. Also, if you would like to list another vendor that offers Delhi radio cab services then do provide us their name and website URL so that it can be added to the above list.


  1. Very useful information..Day is not far when Delhi-ites will prefer travelling by Cab rather than in their chauffeur driven big cars, as it happens in Singapore and other big cities around the world..Simply because it will become economical ,convenient and time saveing..


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