The Easy Way To Drive Safe


Ever felt like sleeping while stuck in a traffic jam or while moving along at a snail’s pace on a congested road (one of the highlights of Delhi Roads). Sometimes at the end of long, hard day it’s a temptation that’s tough to resist. But then you surely don’t wanna end up in trouble. So how do you ensure a safe drive back home. Well if a survey of 1,780 people conducted by researchers from the University of Sheffield is anything to go by, then all you need to do is sing while you drive. Apparently motorists who enjoy a singalong while driving tend to concentrate more and fall asleep less than their silent counterparts.

Study author Dr. Nicola Dibben, a music psychologist from the University of Sheffield, told the Eastern Daily Press that music is more effective than silence, conversation, or talk radio for achieving optimum alertness. “Singing while driving stimulates not only the mind but also the body which, in turn, produces heightened alertness and reduced fatigue” (Source).

However, drivers should avoid overly rousing tunes or complex rhythms which can divert attention away from the road. So if you’re a rock enthusiast then try to avoid singing any high-pitched, high energy songs unless you wanna end up numb.

P.S: If you’re not a music buff but still wanna drive safe then checkout’s list of 10 driveby songs here.


  1. Ya its too common that people go off to sleep, but do you think a person would sing when he/she is totally exhausted. A friend of mine went off to sleep while driving, there was music playing in his car(tht to all his fav)but he couldn’t sing as he was exhausted. I don’t think it works…


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