Unless you’ve been living under the rock, you’d know that this Sunday is Daughter’s Day. And luckily, we have such amazing examples of inspiring daughters all around us, who are doing all they can to make this country a better one for all the daughters out there. And we recently got an opportunity to speak to one such girl- Jabna Chauhan. She is the youngest Sarpanch in the country. Hailing from a small village in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, Jabna overcame all odds to become the Sarpanch in her village. She also introduced numerous reforms, banning alcohol being one of them. On the occasion of this Daughter’s Day, Jabna spoke to us about real issues- how society can be more supportive of daughters, how they deserve equal opportunities and more.
Hi Jabna. As you know the 22nd of September is Daughter’s Day. What would you like to say to parents who have daughters?
In today’s time, daughters are not less than anyone and in fact, they are two steps ahead of boys. Be it in any field- politics, sports or education. Parents should make their daughters study and also tell them about the importance of sports in life. Let them grow in whichever field they want to make their career. Invest in their careers rather than in getting them married.
Jabna, you have achieved so much after facing many hardships. What would you like to say to such daughters out there who are not privileged?
We have to fight for our own right! It would be wrong if we compromise. It’s like if I don’t have money so I think I should work rather than study. This is wrong. We have to think of a solution in a different way to achieve our dreams. All we have to do is just figure out things in a different way. And as I said earlier, girls can do anything and everything.
In a country like India where people prefer male child, how do you think we can work towards changing the mindset of the people?
We have to change this thinking from our home itself. Why do we tell our daughters to stay back at home while we give permission to our sons to go out and party? First of all, it’s you who should get aware and should start treating your son and daughter equally. The mindset will change when each and every single household brings change in their thinking and behaviour. Give your daughters equal not only equal opportunities but an equal lifestyle.
Image Source: Yourstory
Image Source: Yourstory
Lastly, How do you think society can be more supportive of daughters and encourage them to achieve what they want, rather than marrying them off early or not investing in their dreams?
I am from Himachal and if I talk about that area, I have seen a lot of changes. When I was in the 8th standard, I remember how parents used to get their daughters married at that young age. All my female classmates got married. But I took the decision to go to college for further studies. All the village people were against the decision but I ignored everything and went ahead to achieve my goals and dreams.
In today’s time, I inspire all the village people to let their daughters study and let them achieve their goals. So of course, you need support from your family and people around you. But even when nobody is standing with you, you have to stand up for your rights.
(Featured Image Source: thebetterindia)