Heineken Beer : The King Of Gezellig Times


Q. This organization owns over 130 breweries in more than 65 countries and employs approximately 57,557 people. It brews and sells more than 170 international premium, regional, local and specialty beers, including Tiger, Birra Moretti and Murphy’s. Name this organization ?

That’s quite an easy question for the beer lover and the teetotaler. But even if you don’t drink, the 2 words beer and international should automatically lead you to the one name that is synonymous with fine beer all over the world, Heineken. Heineken International is a Dutch brewing company, founded in 1864 by Gerard Adriaan Heineken in Amsterdam. Heineken claims that the original Heineken recipe has not changed since the beer was first produced nearly 150 years ago.

With an annual beer production of 121.8 million hectoliters, Heineken ranks as the fourth largest brewery in the world after InBev, SABMiller, and Anheuser-Busch. Heineken’s Dutch breweries are located in Zoeterwoude and ‘s-Hertogenbosch. The original brewery in Amsterdam, closed in 1988, is preserved as a museum called Heineken Experience. No visit to Amsterdam would be complete without a visit to this museum. The buildings of the museum span two centuries, the main parts dating from 1867 (the original building) and 1930 (a working brewery until 1988). In this unique environment, one can experience Heineken’s rich history and the tradition and craft of brewing. One can explore the giant malt silos and brewhouse and find out the secrets of the world’s greatest pilsner beer. Plus you also get a chance to take a look at five decades of pioneering advertising. All this for just an 11 Euro Entry Ticket.(see below).

The Heineken Experience Entry Ticket Front

The Heineken Experience Entry Ticket Back

The ticket also entitles you to 3 glasses of Heineken Beer and a souvenir. The Museum is actually a lot of fun and is nowhere close to the normal museum. Once in you get a chance to see the process in which beer is made( you can even taste the beer, while it’s being brewed. At that point it’s quite warm and tastes sweet), get to experience what it would feel like to be a heineken bottle( in one of their theatres), get to karoke with your friends and loads of other stuff. The tour ends at the Bar where you get cheap heineken beer and a great crowd with tourists from all the world. In short you’ll have one hell of a gezellig time at the Heineken Experience(see below for more images, starting with the all important souvenir).

The Heinken Experience Souvenir The Heineken musuem




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